Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yours Truly Entered the "Zipvan Loves Design" Video Contest--No, I Didn't Win But...

...did I ever have fun trying--and I learned some new skills to boot!  IKEA and Zipvan created this video contest to win a room full of IKEA products, as much as would fit into a Zipvan. The challenge was to:

  • Create a 15-second video answering this question:  How would you redesign a room with a Zipvan full of products from the IKEA® store?
               * Creativity / Passion: How creatively did you share your ideas and 
                     show why you deserve to win?
               * Uniqueness: What makes your design different from others?
               * Realistic: Is the design something that actually can be done 
                     with a Zipvan full of IKEA products?
               * Inspiration: Does the video inspire others to design their own space?

Let's just say I have a new-found appreciation for film-making and I'll be forever grateful for the support and encouragement of my friends.  (See my LinkedIn profile to meet my team.)  From writing the script, to staging, to learning the movie-making software, and finally editing and producing the video itself--whew!  A great deal of work goes into the process, even if the result is only a 15 second video.

So here's my video:

Okay, so who won?  Take a look.

Congratulations to Kelli Shives!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Amateur Reupholstery: Couch

By: Adorn Jan 06, 2007

Earlier this year, I moved across the country, taking with me only what I could fit in my car. I lived a week without an apartment and another week without any furniture.  Then, I bought a bed.  Well, a mattress and box spring.  I wasn't in any rush to buy furniture, especially not furniture that I couldn't fit into my car.  This made me the office charity case.  A coworker gave me a kitchen table and chairs. Then, another coworker found a couch on the side of the road in a nice neighbourhood.  He smelled it and checked for stains, then picked it up and put it in his pickup truck.  That night, he and I carried the couch up the stairs to my apartment.   
created at: 03/28/2013Photo: Adorn
 It was a solidly constructed couch.  There were a few cat scratch marks on the sides of the upholstery, but otherwise, it was in decent condition.  I just couldn't shake the idea that bugs or animals had crawled all over the couch while it sat out on the road.  So, I undertook a plan to reupholster it.

I had no experience with reupholstery and very few tools.  I read a few articles online, but they weren't very helpful.  All of the upholstery books at the library were out.  However, I have a bit of a "just do it" attitude when it comes to crafty things, so I jumped right in.